Estimation of Coefficients of Radar Reflectivity Factor and Rainfall Rate using Blue Nile Weather Radar Data, of Ethiopia


  • Nigus Yibeltal Tesfa Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia



Reflectivity, Z-R relationship, Doppler radars


Rain gauge measurement represents only point rainfall and considered as the “Ground truth” for rainfall rate, but it is associated with different errors and exposed to outliers. On the other hand radar does not directly measure rainfall rates, but it estimates rainfall rate, R (mm/h) by an empirical relationship with the radar reflectivity factor, Z (mm6/m3). Reflectivity is converted into a rainfall rate by the Z-R relationship using the formula: Z = aRb and we determine both of the coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds) , and   For Bahir Dar station- I, Bahir Dar station-II and the overall station respectively.   


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How to Cite

Estimation of Coefficients of Radar Reflectivity Factor and Rainfall Rate using Blue Nile Weather Radar Data, of Ethiopia. (2020). International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (ijerat) (E-ISSN 2454-6135) , 6(12), 24-30.