Focus & Scope
IJERAT is intended to serve a wide range of educationists, scientists, specialists, researchers, and similar professionals in different engineering disciplines. Our target is to reach all universities, research centers, and institutes in the world.
- The main aim of IJERAT is to provide a publication to scientists, researchers, and engineers from both academia and industry, that wish to communicate recent developments and applications in their field.
- IJERAT publishes mainly technical papers that should contain new theoretical and/or test results.
IJERAT will consider the following types of publications.
- Research Articles: A research article is a regular article that aims to present new findings. Short Communication: A letter to the editor is a short article which aims to present new findings that require fast publication procedures.
- Short Communication: A letter to the editor is a short article which aims to present new findings that require fast publication procedures.
- Review Articles: A review article is an article which aims to present comprehensively already existing findings.
- Innovations: An innovation is an article which aims to present new procedures or devices.
- Selected conference articles: Upon an agreement with a conference committee, selected papers may be published in the Journal in a special section. In this case, the editor will appoint in collaboration with the conference committee guest editors.
IJERAT publishes original papers in various fields of Engineering and Technology that cover but are not limited to, Computer Science & Information Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Civil Engineering (General), Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and all branches of Engineering