Smart Anti-Theft Bag for Business Men Depending on the Raspberry-Pi3 Environment


  • Zainab Khyioon Abdalrdha University of Mustansiriyah, Iraq
  • Ahmed Kareem Ridha University of Mustansiriyah, Iraq
  • Ali Qasim Mohammmed University of Mustansiriyah, Iraq



Raspberry Pi, Arduino UNO, Hardware platforms, Ultrasonic Sensing Theory, HC-SR04 distance sensor


To protect people from thefts, especially businessmen who have important files are wary of losing them and in order to preserve them. The smart bag is designed to contain many features where in this paper, a smart bag against theft is designed and implemented to reveal the identity of the thief in case it is lost. The system was developed on the basis of a Raspberry board (Pi3) and passed through the following steps, in the first stage, the image of the thief was captured by simply opening the bag, while in the second stage, the captured image was sent by e-mail to the owner of the bag and, eventually, the thief would be identified through a picture obtained by e-mail and The aim of the bag design and implementation is to protect the paper information or documents of business or security personnel. The proposed system in this work provides the user with a technology to increase the level of security of information programmed in Python.


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How to Cite

Smart Anti-Theft Bag for Business Men Depending on the Raspberry-Pi3 Environment . (2020). International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (ijerat) (E-ISSN 2454-6135) , 6(12), 46-55.