Encrypting Image based on Chaotic Map algorithm


  • Zahraa Salah Dhaief Mustansiriyah University, Iraq
  • , Dena Nadir George Mustansiriyah University, Iraq
  • Raniah Ali Mustafa Mustansiriyah University, Iraq




Cryptography, Chaotic map, Image processing, Digital image, Encrypting image


Due to the network and multimedia application developments, information security become important since information can be attacked over the transmission channels, and the combination of cryptography and chaotic become an important field of information security, where many encryption algorithms are based on chaotic mapping due to the inherent features of Image like high redundancy and bulk data capacity. In this paper, three chaotic maps are used to achieve a good diffused Image by setting the initial conditions to generate the shuffling sequence randomly by 2D Zaslevskii map and employ them in 2D cat map for shuffling the image pixels positions; also baker map is used to decomposed Image into four rectangles and shuffle them.

For increasing the levels of security related to the encryption algorithm, the Gaffe random key generator is used to generate 128 bits keys and employ it with an exclusive-OR equation to the diffused Image. The results indicated that the combination of chaotic and cryptography proved to be good for the high-security level. The experimental results have shown that the suggested algorithm is secure due to the large key space and the high sensitivity to the secret key. This paper applies a chaotic map algorithm by Mat lab a program.




How to Cite

Encrypting Image based on Chaotic Map algorithm . (2021). International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (ijerat) (E-ISSN 2454-6135) , 7(4), 34-47. https://doi.org/10.31695/IJERAT.2021.3703