Planning of Heavy Equipment Fabrication Plant Layout using CORELAP Software: A case study of Indonesia
Material Flow, Layout, Material Handling, CORELAPAbstract
According to the target, PT Heavy Equipment Ternama needs a good and smooth production system to support the fabrication process. Often the delivery time for boom components is not by the predetermined target, so it is necessary to improve to support the delivery target to the customer on time because the welding process is not optimal. The Engineering Department invests by adding one welding robot unit to support the production process to match the target. The addition of these new facilities requires re-planning the boom component processes and maximizing the distance between processes, which are currently less efficient, marked by long distances, and requiring a long time to move components between processes. The purpose of this research is to propose to improve the best factory layout with a comparison of the total distance of material movement between the initial layout and the proposed layout, which has an impact on changes in material handling costs. This study uses the CORELAP (Computerized Relationship Layout Planning) method to determine the best factory layout. The proposed new layout is the location between processes into one Production Line, which was previously on different Production Lines. This has an impact on reducing handling costs for one product which was originally Rp. 2,875,040 to Rp. 998,240 or decreased by 65% , and the handling distance, which was originally 162m, became 98m or decreased by 39.5% compared to the initial layout. PT Heavy Equipment Ternama from January to March 2020 can save handling costs of Rp. 296,534,400.
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James M. Apple. 1983, Plant Layout and Material Handling accessed at
Md. Riyad Hossain., Md. Kamruzzaman Rasel., & Subrata Talapatra. 2014. Increasing Productivity through Facility Layout Improvement using Systematic Layout Planning Pattern Theory. Journal of General Engineering, 14(7), 71-75.
Nadia Dini Safitri., Zainal Ilmi., & M. Amin Kadafi. 2017. Analysis of the layout design of production facilities using the activity relationship chart (ARC) method. Journal of Management, 9(1), 38-47.
Qodri Azis Dwianto., Susy Susanty., & Lisye Fitria. 2016. Proposed Facility Layout Design Using the Computerized Relationship Layout Planning (Corelap) Method in a Convection Company. National Institute of Technology Online Journal. 4(1), 87-97.
Salvendy, Gabriel, 1982, Handbook of Industrial Engineering accessed at
Srisuda Sinma., Anucha Watanapa., & Wisitsree Wiyaratn. 2017. Increasing Productivity of Busbars manufacturing in Switch Board Industry. TNI Journal of Engineering and Technology.5(1), 25-31
Tomkins, 2003, Facilities Planning, John Wiley & Sons, New York accessed at
Rahmadani, W. I. (2020). Warehouse Layout Redesign Using Conventional Methods, Collapsing And Promodel Simulation. Journal of Industrial Engineering Optimization (JOTI), 2(1), 13-18.
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