Edge Detection for Face Image Using Multiple Filters
Edge Detection, Roberts Edge Detection, Sobel Edge Detection, Prewitt Edge Detection, Canny Edge DetectionAbstract
Edge detection is a technique for detecting the presence and location of sharp changes in an image's intensity. Edges help in segmentation and object recognition by defining the boundaries between sections in an image. Edge detection minimizes the quantity of data in an image and filters out unnecessary information while keeping the image's crucial structural qualities. The general method of edge detection is to study the changes of a single image pixel in an area, use the variation of the edge neighboring first-order or second-order to detect the edge. This paper is an overview of different edge detection techniques like differential operator method such as Sobel operator, canny technique and we used Visual Basic Language version 6.0 for this paper.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Haitham Salman Chyad , Raniah Ali Mustafa, Zainab Yasser Mohamed

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