Subject Review: Image Encryption Based on Multi Techniques
Cryptography, Decryption, Encryption, Image Encryption, Key SpaceAbstract
The enormous advancements in the communication networks, particularly the internet networks, that employed to allow numerous individuals to exchange various forms of data, the Security of data has become a big issue. As a result, the usage of cipherment and decipherment ways is becoming more popular. Sundry cipherment means have been created to ensure data security, the chaos encryption system being one of the most widely employed in recent years. In this research, a review of diverse image cipherment algorithms has been reviewed, which researchers can gain insight into the most efficient techniques to employ.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Zainab Mohammed Essa, Doaa Mohsin Abd Ali Afraji, Donia Fadhil Chalob, Sahar Hasan Hashim, Ziad M. Abood

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