Implementation of Lean Manufacturing to Reduce Waste in the Maintenance Section in National Automotive Sub Companies of Indonesia
Waste, Rate of Quality, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, DMAICAbstract
Diamond Motorindo is a company that produces four-wheeled vehicles, one of which is a Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV) type. In the MPV manufacturing process, the quality problem that is currently a trend is the AC Not Fill defect. Based on company data for the period March 2019 ~ February 2020, the defect continues to increase. The defect occurred due to the failure of filling the AC gas into the vehicle by the AC Filling Machine. This study aims to determine the OEE value of the AC filling machine is, the factors that cause machine failure that causes defects and can obtain improvement efforts to improve quality. The steps taken in this study are first to calculate the respective values of availability, performance, and rate of quality from the AC Filling Machine to find which variable has the lowest value with the OEE method. After obtaining the variable with the lowest value, the next step is to solve the problem of low variables by using the DMAIC method. After analyzing it, it can be concluded that the average OEE AC Filling Machine value during March 2019 ~ February 2020 is around 96%. This value is still below the target set by the company, which is 98%. What prevents the OEE value target from being achieved is the machine's low rate of quality. The contributing factors are humans, methods, machines/tools, and materials.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Indra Almahdy, Muhammad Kholil, Jakfat Haekal, Arie Firmansyah, Dede Rukmayadi

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