Lean Manufacturing Design to Reduce Waste in Customer Complaint Services Using Lean Principles in Coil Industry Companies, of Indonesia
DMAIC, VSM, WAM, Waste.Abstract
For the needs of the automotive industry, in maintaining customer satisfaction, the company provides customer complaint handling services completed within five days of the complaint being made. From 2017 to February 2020, the average time needed to resolve customer complaints is 9.99 days. This study aims to determine the type of waste that occurs, determine the factors that cause delay in determining the ideal time to resolve customer complaints. Therefore, the approach in this study uses the integer method DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, and Improvement), VSM (Value Stream Mapping), and WAM (Waste Assessment Model). The integration of WAM and DMAIC methods can determine the types of waste that occur, namely Defect, Inventory, Overproduction, Motion, Transportation, Waiting, and Motion. The application of the DMAIC method is applied to determine the factors that cause waste, namely the markers used are easily lost and damaged, lack of customer knowledge of the needs, and availability of complaint samples. Other factors are, no customer complaint forms and guidelines, laboratory test work by one analyst, lack of analyst knowledge regarding SEM enlargement, the process with the same and repetitive activities. The analysis of data/information on complaints and laboratory test results is carried out simultaneously. In integrating VSM and DMAIC methods, the ideal time to resolve customer complaints can be determined to be 4.54 days, 0.82 days earlier than the company's target.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Atep Afia Hidayat, Muhammad Kholil, Jakfat Haekal, Wahyu Erka Sandra, Dede Rukmayadi

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