Integration of Lean Six sigma in Reducing Waste in the Cutting Disk Process with the DMAIC, VSM, and VALSAT Method Approach in Manufacturing Companies
Lean Manufacturing, DMAIC, VSM, VALSATAbstract
The Indonesian Manufacturing Company is a manufacturing company that produces two-wheeled automotive spare parts. One of the products currently being supplied to several two-wheeled customers is the disc brake, rear sprocket, and drive sprocket. The opportunity to increase production output adjusted to high customer demand can be done by reducing waste activities. Therefore, an approach with a lean six sigma approach is needed using the integration method of DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control), VSM (Value Stream Mapping), and VALSAT. This research aims to reduce production waste and reduce cycle time, which affects increasing production output to balance according to customer needs. Waste identification is explained in the Define stage at DMAIC using a big mapping image in Value Stream Mapping. Then a more in-depth analysis is carried out using the VALSAT tools at the Analyze stage, which is supported by WRM and WAQ questionnaire data. The Analyze stage was then carried out by analyzing using the FMEA method. Control is carried out by standardization and outreach to employees. This study aims to identify and reduce waste that occurs in the production area, especially line-cutting disks. Based on the VALSAT analysis, it was found that the four biggest wastes were motion, inventory, overproduction, waiting, transportation, and the process, which had five wasteful activities. First, the chuck design used is still separate; it should be improved by combining the soft jaw and chuck into one component. Second, the accumulation of material after M.H. Drilling is improved by combining inner and outer cutting processes into one process. Third, the counterbore process still uses the manual depth setting method using a micrometer which can be reduced by the process between M.H. Drilling, Counter Bore, and Mounting Hole Chamfering are made into one process, using Brother NC machines using hydraulic clamps. Fourth, the location between the inner and outer cutting machines with the mounting hole drilling is still too far away for improvement, namely, from the line cutting disk layout, a re-layout was made to U LINE. Fifth, human errors often occur during the chamfering process by adding a stopper to the machine to prevent human errors.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Muhammad Kholil, Jakfat Haekal , Adizty Suparno , Muhammad Rizki , Tri Widodo

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