Affecting Factors that Improve Performance Project with Line of Balance and Critical Path Method at Pier Works in Toll Road Project at Jakarta Indonesia
Line of Balance, Critical Path Method, SPSS, Pier Works, Toll RoadsAbstract
The construction of toll roads in Indonesia is an effort by the government to improve the national competitiveness index and the national logistics cost performance index, including through the development of road infrastructure, including toll roads. The Toll road is a road that is devoted to two or more axle vehicles (cars, buses, trucks) and aims to shorten the distance and travel time from one place to another. Toll roads are part of the road network system and national roads for which users are required to pay. The implementation of toll road construction in Jakarta as in other cities has a level of difficulty in carrying out the work due to very high traffic activities, utilities that must be relocated or avoided, of course, have a very high risk as well. These consequences are unfavorable for the project because they will hinder and hinder the achievement of project objectives. Some of the risks in toll road construction work include utilities, land acquisition, window time, and traffic management. The risks mentioned above are some of the causes of delays that occur during the implementation of toll road projects. In determining the factors of delay, this research uses the SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) method. The method used in determining the ranking of the delay factor is the stepwise method. There were 9 affecting factors, namely job duration analysis, waiting time analysis, repetitive job analysis, decision making, utility, critical path determination, work method approach, innovative way of thinking, and job sequence analysis. The application of the toll road construction work process with scheduling innovation based on the integration of the Line of Balance and the Critical Path Method can optimize project performance in terms of time. The research is expected to produce innovative studies as an alternative to the best recommendations in terms of project time performance for service providers and service providers. By knowing the key factors in the completion of toll road works, this research is expected to be a benchmark or pilot for toll road construction projects, as well as in the application of pier work on toll road projects.
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