Study of Risk Analysis of Project Delivery System Design-Bid-Build (DBB) Highway Project in the Middle of Pandemic
Covid-19 pandemic, Project Delivery, Design-Bid-Build, Risk, Highway ProjectAbstract
Project delivery system Design-Bid-Build (DBB) is a complex project implementation process due to risk and uncertainty, as the Covid-19 pandemic situation progresses, further problems arise, at this stage the pandemic does not generally make the project completely impossible completed but delays its implementation, causes delays, disturbances occur, as well as responses to government regulations related to regional quarantine. This study seeks to identify and analyze the most influential risks on the DBB project delivery system in the implementation phase of a highway construction project in the midst of a pandemic. The research was conducted in 12 (twelve) different projects in Serang City throughout 2020 since the pandemic began. After the literature review, through the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method, the expert managed to identify 17 risk variables. Then the questionnaires were distributed to expert respondents and analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results of the analysis show that there are 4 (four) top risk factors that have the most influence on the DBB project delivery system in the midst of a pandemic, namely: (1) Occupational health and safety; (2) Delay in delivery schedule; (3) Delay in certification of bills; (4) Delays in procuring materials, labor, and equipment.
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