Techniques of Data Deduplication for Cloud Storage: A Review
Cloud Computing, Cloud Storage Service, Chunking Algorithm, Data Deduplication, Chunking MethodAbstract
With the rapid advancement of information technology and network, it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep up, as well as the rapid expansion of data center size, energy consumption as a percentage of IT investment is increasing. As the amount of digital data grows, so does the need for greater storage space, which drives up the cost and performance of backups. Traditional backup solutions don't have any built-in protection against duplicate data being saved up. Duplicate data backups severely lengthen backup times and consume needless resources. Data deduplication is critical for removing redundant data and lowering storage costs. Data deduplication is a new technique of compressing data that helps with storage efficiency while also proving to be a more efficient technique of dealing with duplicate data. Deduplication enables a single data copy to be uploaded to storage and subsequent copies to be provided with a pointer to the original stored copy. This paper consists of an extensive literature survey and summarizes numerous storage approaches, concepts, and categories that are used in data reduplication. Also in this paper, the researchers carried out the survey for chunk-based data deduplication techniques in detail.
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