The Study of effects of Annual Housing Budget Allocation and Housing Provision in Enugu State of Nigeria
Housing, Budget, Allocation, Housing ProvisionAbstract
The Nigerian construction industry is faced with challenges of inadequate allocation of resources and mismanagement of budget toward housing provision. This has led to an alarming rate of the housing deficit, costly renting, repeated collapse of buildings, high rate of squatting, professional incompetence and increase in crime. This paper examines the problems and effects of annual housing budget allocation and Housing Provision in Enugu State, Nigeria. Secondary data were collected from experts working in state civil servants concerned with budgeting and housing matters in Enugu State. One hundred and forty-six (146) well questionnaires were properly completed, formed the basis of the study and were analyzed by descriptive ranking and factor analysis, SPSS and Relative Importance Index. The result from the study shows that there are problems in housing budget allocation and this affects its provision drastically; Ineffective mechanism for allocation and utilization of housing funds; Lack of citizen participation and professionals; Lack of accurate data on housing needs of the State and undue political influence in approval and award of housing contracts and a factor analysis was used in order to solidify result. The study finally recommended that government should give housing target to the housing agencies or developer in the state; should develop political will; establishment of building materials industries of its own and finally ensure that Quantity surveyors should be involved in the government policies for housing in order to manage and curtail unnecessary waste, cost and time in order to minimize the problems existing between housing budget allocation and its provision in Enugu state.
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