Development of Secured Knowledge Management system using Information Technology Model
Knowledge Management System, Information Technology Model, Software Engineering ModelAbstract
Information Technology (IT) has contributed to the development of many areas, including the development of companies and in accordance with the requirements of the free market, so it has become necessary to contribute to the development of the knowledge management system because of its importance in the use and dissemination of knowledge through the IT model that focuses on all the requirements of the knowledge management system. And the factors affecting its development, this model is characterized by meeting the needs of the system and upgradable, as well as being comprehensive and integrated (with other systems). The model is designed in several programming languages such as (C#, PHP and MySQL) and according to business requirements in addition to its ease of use so that everyone can use it (employees, clients, partners), and that the model has the ability to identify obstacles and errors that cause non-development, In terms of communication, it uses all technical resources (interviews, video conferences, chat rooms, etc.) to contribute to enhancing teamwork and communication, enhancing expertise and processing data and relying on human expertise to promote innovation and knowledge acquisition to achieve the real objective of this study which is to develop a knowledge management system.
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