Experimental Study on Effect of Lime and Cement Stabilizers on Geotechnical Properties of Lateritic Soil
Lateritic soil, Soil stabilization, Stabilizing agents, Moisture content, California bearing ratioAbstract
This study examined the effect of lime and cement as stabilizers on the geotechnical properties of the lateritic soil in Ogiso quarters, Benin City, Edo state of Nigeria. The lateritic soil samples, which were obtained from the street prone to erosion in Ogiso quarters, using the disturbed sampling method, were transported to the Geotechnical laboratory Department of Civil Engineering, University of Benin. The preliminary tests were performed on the samples for classification and identification purposes using the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) classification system. They were stabilized using lime and cement stabilizers at 2,4,6,8 and 10% by weight of the soil samples so as to analyze the performance of the stabilized agents on the lateritic soil. The laboratory tests, which included natural moisture content, specific gravity, particle sieve analysis, Atterberg limits, compaction and California bearing ratio (CBR) were carried out in accordance with the British standard (BS) method of test for soil in Civil Engineering. The result of the study has shown that the lateritic soil in the sample location is reddish brown in colour and belong to A-2-6 group with liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index values obtained as 33.20%, 14.14% and 19.06% respectively. The specific gravity of the soil sample is 2.53. The natural moisture content is 15.1%. The Optimum moisture content (OMC) and Maximum dry density (MDD) are 13.3% and 1.75g/cm3 respectively. The CBR values increased from 29.92% at 0% to a peak value of 191.8% at 6%, 119.57% at 8% and 135.36% at 6% for cement, lime and the combination of cement and lime respectively in the treated samples. These values indicate that the lateritic soil in the study area meets the general standard acceptable limit for construction of embankments, as they are in conformity with the Federal Ministry of Work (FMW) general standard acceptable limit for construction of embankments and sub-grade. The results of the tests in this study showed that the treatment of the lateritic soil has improved its strength and physical properties.
Copyright (c) 2020 Audu, H.A.P., Okovido J. O.

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