Performance Analysis of Economiser, Air Pre-Heater and Electrostatic Precipitator of 210MW Power Plant Boiler


  • R Boopathi Assistant professor, UG Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College, Tiruchengode, 637503 India.
  • G.V. Ganapathyraman Assistant professor, UG Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College, Tiruchengode, 637503 India.
  • P. Manimaran Assistant professor, UG Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College, Tiruchengode, 637503 India.
  • A. Prabakaran Assistant professor, UG Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College, Tiruchengode, 637503 India.
  • S. Prabakaran Assistant professor, UG Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College, Tiruchengode, 637503 India.


Economiser, Electrostatic precipitator, Exhaust gas, Preheater, Steam raising, Unequal expansion.


The main objective of the project is to study and understand the working and power production methods of MTPS-1. The boiler performance including its ability to meet full load, auxiliary power consumption, net plant heat rate, availability of the unit, operation and maintenance cost . An economizer is a device used to heat feed water by utilizing the heat in the exhaust flue gases before leaving through the chimney. Economizer improves the economy of the steam boiler. The following are the advantages of using an economizer. It increases the steam raising capacity of a boiler i.e., it shortens the time required to covert water into steam. It prevents formation of scale in boiler water tubes. There is about an average of 18% of coal saving. Since the feed water entering the boiler is hot, therefore strains due to unequal expansion are minimized Air heater is a heat transfer surface, in which inlet air temperature is raised by transferring heat from the fuel gas. Since the air preheater can be employed successfully to reclaim heat from the fuel gas to low temperature levels, than is possible with economizer, heat rejected to chimney can be reduced to higher extend. For every 20° C drop in flue gas exit temperature the boiler efficiency increases by about 1.0%.In addition to increase boiler efficiency. Electrostatic precipitator contains 24 fields are available in each boiler to separate almost 99% of ash and delivers in dry of wet from according to the requirement of the disposal. First age chimney height is around 130 meters and the second stage is above 220 meters. The field effective analysis is made in order to improve the efficiency of electrostatic precipitator




How to Cite

Performance Analysis of Economiser, Air Pre-Heater and Electrostatic Precipitator of 210MW Power Plant Boiler. (2016). International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (ijerat) (E-ISSN 2454-6135) , 2(4), 07-13.