“Quality of Work-Life Balance of Bank Employees & Comparison between Public and Private Banks”


  • Sneha.K.G
  • Sindhu.D.S
  • Dr. P Nagesh


Work-Life Balance, Work Performance, and Personal Life.


The changing dynamics of the workplace has forced the organizations to frame policies which are employee-centric. Theworkforce today is more dynamic and young in nature and wants a greater control over their work and life. Pressures at work, competition, and target basedmanagement styles have resulted in increased pressure and also long working hours. The answers to a questionnaire administered to bank employees has been analyzed to understand theunderlying demographic as well as other variables to find out work-life imbalances. The findings of the study will benefit organizations asthey will be able to design practices which focus on employee work/life issues. This will result in a more satisfied andproductive workforce which is less stressed.




How to Cite

“Quality of Work-Life Balance of Bank Employees & Comparison between Public and Private Banks”. (2016). International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (ijerat) (E-ISSN 2454-6135) , 2(1), 399-415. https://ijerat.com/index.php/ijerat/article/view/310