Simulation Modelling of Roof Design of Indonesian Airport Terminal For Optimal Utilization of Cooling Energy
Airport, Building Envelope, Cooling Energy, Roof Design, Simulation ModellingAbstract
The airport terminal is one of buildings with complex energy needs. Most of the airport terminals in Indonesia are designed with regional architectural features, such as pitched or joglo roofs and exterior wall materials made of brick with paint finish. The new airport is designed with modern architectural characteristics with flat and curved roofs and outer walls made of Aluminum Composite Panel (ACP). The difference of shape, material, and the size of fenestration affects the thermal performance of the building and affects the cooling energy used. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of roof designs on airport terminals in Indonesia that have different characteristics on the use of cooling energy. The effect of roof design on cooling energy analyzed by using Design Builder simulation. The simulation results show that the combination of red tile pitched roof and flat concrete roof with insulation in airport terminal building with Indonesian characteristics has the lowest cooling energy performance.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kristina Basuki, I Gusti Ngurah Antaryama, FX Teddy Badai Samodra

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