Speeding Up Back-Propagation Learning (SUBPL) Algorithm: A New Modified Back-Propagation Algorithm


  • Rasha M. Hassoon Department of computer science-College of Education-University of al-mustansiriya, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Safana H. Abbas Assist. Prof., Department of computer science-College of Education-University of al-mustansiriya, Baghdad, Iraq


Back-Propagation, Cuckoo Search, Neural Network, Speeding up Back-Propagation Learning (SUBPL).


The convergence speed is the most important feature of Back-Propagation (BP) algorithm. A lot of improvements were proposed
to this algorithm since its presentation, in order to speed up the convergence phase. In this paper, a new modified BP algorithm
called Speeding up Back-Propagation Learning (SUBPL) algorithm is proposed and compared to the standard BP. Different data
sets were implemented and experimented to verify the improvement in SUBPL.




How to Cite

Speeding Up Back-Propagation Learning (SUBPL) Algorithm: A New Modified Back-Propagation Algorithm. (2016). International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (ijerat) (E-ISSN 2454-6135) , 2(3), 01-10. https://ijerat.com/index.php/ijerat/article/view/101