Design and Analysis of Forging Die for Connecting Rod to Achieve Deferential Thickness at Both the End (S/E And B/E) of Connecting Rod.


  • Prakash Kummur
  • Mr. M R Prabhushankar


forging,connecting rod.,Engine


Forging is a process in which to transform the shape of metal using heat and localized compressive forces.die is the shaping partof the forging process. The project work emphasizes on the design and development of forging die. In today’s scenario, the main weightage of investigation is to reduce the cost of product while upholding the strength and improving productivity. To solve problem, in this regards elimination of extra milling machine by designing proper forging die. Before going to the die designprinciple, a detailed study is conducted on forging processes, forging equipments, forging dies and materials. After studying thevarious aspects involved in the die design, die design for connecting rod is made. Here in the design of forging die, the product ismade most accurately so as to get the forged product free from all defects and as per the requirements given in the productdrawing. In industrial view the forging die for connecting rod helps for the mass production of product without any defects of thematerial after forging. For the analysis of die defects all the required data are collected and based on this study the suitableactions should be suggested for reducing the die failures and for increasing the die life for connecting rod. The product thusobtained by forging is at good strength and free from any defects.

Problem definition
In sansera engineer pvt ltd, while forging of a connecting rod they r getting same thickness at both end( S/E and B/E) of the connecting rod. But the customer requirement is should have deferential thickness, so in order to get deferential thickness they are using two vertical milling machine to remove extra material so it causes reduces productivity, increases manufacturing cost, reduces quality of product. The aim of this project is to get the deferential thickness at both end of connecting rod in forging itself, so that working of extra two vertical milling machine can be eliminated resulting in reduces manufacturing cost, improving productivity as well Improve the quality of the product. To achieve this suitable forging die is designed.




How to Cite

Design and Analysis of Forging Die for Connecting Rod to Achieve Deferential Thickness at Both the End (S/E And B/E) of Connecting Rod. (2016). International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (ijerat) (E-ISSN 2454-6135) , 2(1), 237-239.