A Proposed Study in Enhancing of Radiator in Internal Combustion Engine Cooling System Performance While Considering a Prolonged Life at a Frugal Cost


  • MSc. Muayyad A.H Al-Hayali
  • Dr. Mohammad M. Al-Azzawi
  • MSc. Kousay N. Al-Ane




Cooling System, I.C.Engine, Piping Delineation, Radiator.


The cooling system is one of essential parts in vehicle’s engine, to endure a sustainable and stabilized engine temperature. As a consequence the main objective for this study is to propose a simple piping delineation taking into account fewer hoses and lower infiltration, The proposed delineation would become beneficial with coolant infiltration by the reduction in hose deficiency, take down shorthand of head loss at frugal cost and prolonged life of the piping system in vehicles engine.




How to Cite

A Proposed Study in Enhancing of Radiator in Internal Combustion Engine Cooling System Performance While Considering a Prolonged Life at a Frugal Cost. (2018). International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (ijerat) (E-ISSN 2454-6135) , 4(12), 08-12. https://doi.org/10.31695/IJERAT.2018.3354