Design and Simulation of Fan Speed Control using Arduino UNO and LM35DZ
Arduino UNO, ATMega8/168/328, LM35DZAbstract
This paper shots to attain automatic control solution is suggested to control the fan speed. Arduino micro controller is the heart of the circuit as it controls all the functions. The temperature sensor LM35DZ senses the temperature and converts it into an electrical signal, which is forwarded to the microcontroller. A circuit with LM35DZ temperature sensor, Arduino UNO as a main processor, and few of electronic components is designed and implemented to control the fan speed automatically. A fan speed control has been designed and constructed based on LM35DZ as the temperature sensing device. The microcontroller (MCU) ATMega8/168/328 allows dynamic and quicker control and the LCD makes the system user-friendly. Sensed temperature and fan speed levels are concurrently shown on the LCD board.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Moe Moe San, Cherry Kyaw Win, Khin Zar Mon
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