System Dynamic Model in Analyzing 5 Layers Basement Work


  • Divy Wira Agusma Mercu Buana University, Indonesia
  • Albert Eddy Husin Mercu Buana University Jakarta Indonesia



High Rise Building, Basement, System Dynamic, Rework, Cost


In connection with the increase in construction and the level of urbanization that occurs in Indonesia, the construction of high-rise housing will be carried out to optimize narrow land in urban areas. By providing several facilities with the concept of high rise building in the basement area and building a layered basement, it is expected to optimize the available land for the development of high rise housing. This study determines the approach to rework analysis on a 5-layer basement with a Dynamic Model System simulation model that can provide superior estimates so as to produce scenarios to reduce rework costs. With this research update, it is estimated that the System Dynamic Model ensures that rework costs can be reduced on Basement 5 Layer work by 17.41 % of the initial rework cost.


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How to Cite

System Dynamic Model in Analyzing 5 Layers Basement Work. (2021). International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (ijerat) (E-ISSN 2454-6135) , 7(7), 15-21.