Study and Comparison of Replacement Algorithms


  • Safana Hyder Abbas University of Al-Mustansirihya, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Wedad Abdul Khuder Naser University of Al-Mustansirihya, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Lamyaa Mohammed Kadhim University of Al-Mustansirihya, Baghdad, Iraq



Page Replacement, Page fault, Replacement Algorithm, Clock


When a page fault occurs, the operating system has to choose a page to remove from memory to make room for the page that has to be brought in. The page replacement is done by swapping the required pages from backup storage to main memory and vice-versa. When a new page needs memory for allocation, page replacement algorithms decide which pages to swap out of the memory. In this paper, a comparison and analysis of five replacement algorithms: First in First out (FIFO), Least Recently Used (LRU),  Clock, Most Recently Used algorithm (MRU), and Optimal Page Replacement (OPT) are made.


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How to Cite

Study and Comparison of Replacement Algorithms . (2022). International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology (ijerat) (E-ISSN 2454-6135) , 8(8), 1-6.